Products and Specialties


Filling the Grid Gap
…- causing the main barrier to expanding charging infrastructure and reinforcing EV drivers' range anxiety.

GenCell’s EVOX™ is a disruptive technology that fills this gap. The EVOX™ leverages fuel cells to complement energy storage, creating the ultimate EV charging solution that produces power on-site to satisfy the ever-increasing power demand from EVs when the grid cannot. Rapidly deployed anywhere, EVOX™ generates power where grid availability is limited or non-existent, from remote, rural locations to dense urban sites.

Fueled by zero-emission hydrogen and ammonia, EVOX™ ensures charging stations keep running 24/7, providing reliable, fast charging to multiple vehicles. Transitioning towards ammonia-to-power fueling technology, we will be able to provide even more cost-effective, more sustainable charging. Qualifying for Renewable Energy tax incentives and funding as a key driver of decarbonization, EVOX™ also helps meet carbon targets - so not only good for your EV customers, but for your pocket and for the planet.

Reducing Range Anxiety with Off-grid Power

  • Grid-independent - lets you generate your own power on-site 24/7 in any weather or grid conditions
  • Zero-emission & compliant with renewable energy incentives
  • Rapid deployment reduces lead time
  • Modular & scalable with low maintenance
  • Suits fast, super and turbo DC charging types and multiple car charging
  • Smart real-time site management software optimizes cost, efficiency, and performance

How Does It Work?
The GenCell EVOX™ solution is scalable – which allows flexible combinations and configurations. Incorporating a 372 - 500kWh energy storage device with up to 920kWh stored as hydrogen, each EVOX™ unit delivers 480kWh per day. The solution can service multiple fast DC chargers (50 – 250kW), typically enabling each vehicle to reach a charge of 80% energy capacity within 12 – 30 minutes - anywhere, anytime, independent of the grid.

ONE Solution TRIPLE Uses
EV Charging | Backup Power | Sell-to-Grid

Beyond ensuring 24/7 charging of EVs, the EVOX™ delivers resilient power that kicks in immediately during outages to back up your facilities, and can even earn an additional source of revenues by selling power to the grid at peak demand times.

Smart Energy Management Software
GenCell EVOX™ incorporates smart real-time energy site management software to manage the allocation of available power sources and monitor the energy consumed by EV charging to achieve optimal cost, efficiency, and performance.
  • Integrates fuel cell operations with other power sources
  • Prioritizes energy resources in accordance with real-time costs
  • Executes energy usage tracking for EV charging payment apps
  • Energy calculator tracks and charges diverse billable power sources
  • Ensures reliable backup power management

For more information click on the PDF document link below:

VR EV GenCell video - ENGLISH_1.mp4 from GenCell Energy on Vimeo.